How To Do Map Questions in IELTS Reading for 8+ Band

In the IELTS writing task 1, you will be asked to explain a map. Although it is not common to get map questions, but they do appear, and you should learn how to describe a map. It’s better to be prepared than regretting later. You should be prepared for all types of questions to do […]
How To Do Bar Chart Questions in IELTS Reading for 8+ Band

In the IELTS Writing task 1, you will be asked to explain a Bar chart which usually illustrates the significant changes, occurred during a certain period of time. Bar charts are comprised of horizontal or vertical rectangular bars and the length of these bars is proportional to the data values that they depict. In this […]
How To Write An Opinion Essay For 8+ Band in IELTS Writing

In IELTS Writing Task 2, your task is to write an Opinion Essay of 250 words within just 40 minutes. Now all the guides will tell you to focus on things like grammar, vocabulary, task response, coherence, and cohesion. But what do these terms even mean? Honestly, you don’t even need to know that to score […]
How To Get 8+ Band In IELTS

IELTS is a skill. Like any other skill, you can prepare for IELTS in a smart way. It can be deconstructed and learned very quickly if you only focus on the critical elements. In this post, I am going to share with you tips and strategies that will help you get an 8+ Band in […]
3 Tips To Get 8+ Band in IELTS Reading: Prepare For IELTS

IELTS is a skill. Like any other skill, you can prepare for IELTS in a smart way. It can be deconstructed and learnt very quickly if you only focus on the critical elements. In this post, I am going to share with you tips and strategies that will help you get 8+ Band in IELTS […]
3 Tips To Get 8+ Band in IELTS Listening: Prepare For IELTS

IELTS is a skill. Like any other skill, you can prepare for IELTS in a smart way. It can be deconstructed and learnt very quickly if you only focus on the critical elements. In this post, I am going to share with you tips and strategies that will help you get 8+ Band in IELTS […]
2 Tips To Get 8+ Band in IELTS Writing: Prepare For IELTS

IELTS is a skill. Like any other skill, you can prepare for IELTS in a smart way. It can be deconstructed and learnt very quickly if you only focus on the critical elements. In this post, I am going to share with you tips and strategies that will help you get 8+ Band in IELTS […]
3 Tips To Get 8+ Band in IELTS Speaking: Prepare For IELTS

IELTS is a skill. Like any other skill, you can prepare for IELTS in a smart way. It can be deconstructed and learnt very quickly if you only focus on the critical elements. In this post, I am going to share with you tips and strategies that will help you get 8+ Band in IELTS […]
How To Solve TFNG Questions In IELTS Reading

The most challenging type of question in the IELTS Reading Test is True, False, Not Given questions. In the TFNG questions, a factual statement is given, and you will be asked whether the information in the statement is true, false, or not given in the text. This type of question is a part of the […]
How To Ace IELTS Speaking Part 2: Smart Strategy To Speak Confidently On Any Topic

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, your task is to speak on a topic for a maximum of 2-minutes. You can stop the speech after you cross 1-minute by saying “that’s it”. If you’re unable to complete your speech within 2-minutes, the examiner will stop you and move on to the next question. However, that’s not […]