SECTION 1: Introduction To Ultimate Guide To Acing PTE

Lesson 3: 4 Stages of Learning04:56
Repeated Questions Bank

SECTION 2: Mastering PTE Speaking

Task 1: Read Aloud

Task 2: Repeat Sentence

Task 3: Describe Image

Task 4: Re-Tell Lecture

Task 5: Answer Short Question

SECTION 3: Mastering PTE Writing

Task 1: Summarise Written Text

Task 2: Write Essay

SECTION 4: Mastering PTE Reading

Task 1: R&W Fill in The Blanks

Task 2: MCQ Multiple Answers

Task 3: Re-Order Paragraphs

Task 4: Fill in The Blanks

Task 5: MCQ Single Answer

SECTION 5: Mastering PTE Listening

Task 1: Summarise Spoken Text

Task 2: Listening MCQ Multiple Answers

Task 3: Listening Fill in The Blanks

Task 4: Highlight Correct Summary

Task 5: Listening MCQ Single Answer

Task 6: Select Missing Word

Task 7: Highlight Incorrect Words

Task 8: Write From Dictation

SECTION 6: Congratulations!

Lesson 1: Introduction
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